PRICES (valid from 1.1.2022)

Please note the prices below do not include EU Value Added Tax (VAT)) nor any other taxes, duty, and import charges applicable.
We reserve the right to change our product price list at any time without further notice.
The shipping cost is not included.

  • solar-powered GPS-GSM technology (2G model):
Backpack M-4s 799 € a standard backpack for middle sized raptors
Backpack M-8s 829 € extended (& or elevated) solar panel
Backpack L 849 € eagles, storks
Backpack XL 849 € vultures, pelecanes (storks, eagles)
Backpack S 849 € 2-solar or 3-solar models from 9-12g
Ring V13-17 849 € herons, storks
Ring U21 849 € cranes, eagles,
Ring O26 849 € large eagles, vultures
Colars 999-1500 € species tailored products
UHF beacon extension +150-250 € localizing the tag using UHF radio

Note: backpack harness material (Natural Tubular Teflon or Spectra Dyneema) available from 15€ per deplyment (depending material chosen and species size)

  • Discounts and Guarantee

We offer very significant discounts applied on top of our already very reasonable basic prices

  • quantity discounts for orders from 5+ devices
  • bulk discounts for larger-scale deployment (20+ devices)
  • for projects related to globally critically endangered species
  • for projects actively and efficiently promoting ANITRA brand

Discounts apply on the prices excluding prepaid data fee limit

We guarantee replacement of any device with obvious hardware failure within the first 6 months of ownership by a new device of the same model. In case of hardware replacement, the remaining prepaid data fee limit is transferred to the new device.

  • Communication Fees

If not agreed otherwise, the device prices above do not include data fee credit prepay. We recommend ordering a starting credit of a minimum of 12€ per device (the equivalent of six months flat fee prepay).

The credit is flexibly transferable between all the devices i.e. it contributes to the total customer balance.  To avoid any data loss due to SIM locking make sure you maintain a sufficient total customer account balance to cover the spending of all your devices for the upcoming period.

The monthly data fee charged consists of a fixed amount of 2€ per active SIM plus any additional transaction costs for data sessions exceeding the basic data package. While operating the logger at reasonable data collection rates (e.g. 100 measurements/day), the total costs are not likely to exceed the basic package size.

Note that the actual communication costs can vary significantly depending on the current location of the logger on the globe (e.g. EU vs. other countries) and also due to the transmitter setting (data collection intensity i.e. data volume transferred, SMS usage, etc). However, while operating the logger at reasonable data collection rates (e.g. 100 measurements/day), the total costs are not likely to exceed the basic package.

The costs can climb up in areas with no GPRS data coverage while using the SMS channel for delivering fresh data or when using some of the data-intensive modes such as data bursting, continuous modes, etc. Please note that the Anitra configuration interface offers various ways to maintain the costs under tight control. Between others, you can set a maximum limit on 24 hours or calendar month spending. Breaching either of the two limits suspends the communication temporarily. Using these limits also eliminates the risk of abuse of the device SIM card if stolen.

***) In case you need to collect and transfer larger amounts of data (data bursts, continuous GPS sampling etc.) we advise you to contact us beforehand so that we optimize the tariff used for your devices.

ANITRA products and services

  • Telemetry hardware
  • ready-to-use solar-powered GPS-GSM transmitters … see the current pricing below
  • adjusted and customized devices (e.g. GPS-GSM combined with VHF) … ask about options available
  • customized Anitra LoNet system … please submit a draft of your idea so that we can quote a matching solution
  • Anitra Platform
  • general functionality free of charge for all Anitra users
  • some extra features available for Anitra device owners
  • project specific customization of Anitra environment upon individual quote possible
  • Data exchange
  • manual data export (e.g to csv/xls/kml/gpx)… free of charge
  • automated data interface (API) … free of charge for Anitra device data
  • manual data import (e.g from xls to Anitra workspace)… free of charge
  • automated data feed from external data source *) … free of charge when granted as Anitra donation) **) or service maintenance fee charged ***)
  • Expert support in project planning, data processing, field expertise and practical skills (trapping, transmitter attachment, animal behavior, etc.)
  • we will gladly share our experience and knowledge in order to help you design the best project possible with our hardware (free of charge)
  • you can also hire additional expert or project management support from us (individual quotation)
*)   The service allows automation of inbound data flows from external data sources (such as Movebank, Ornitela, or Ecotone servers) into your Anitra project workspace.
**)  Having strong wildlife conservation background we genuinely seek opportunities to support projects or organizations active and efficient in this domain. 
     We do this mainly by providing extra discounts on our transmitters and by providing some (otherwise paid) services free of charge as our donation.
***) Individual Service level agreement, continuous surveillance, unlimited Anitra functionality for integrated external data, a charge of 1€ per device active in a month.